With Women's History Month last month, I wanted to shine a light on an incredible event that uplifts the fantastic women of Stafford: Central VA’s Most Influential Women Banquet.
Three individuals in Stafford, Michele Riddick, Vernon Green, and Garry Holland, who all have founded either businesses or nonprofits in the area, came together to establish the event.
These exceptional leaders in their own fields felt that the Stafford community needed a place to honor and recognize the wonderful women of Stafford. Together, these individuals and their organizations, Riddick's Entertainment & Events, G3 Community Services, and #ENOUGH, combined their efforts and established an annual event to honor and “celebrate the phenomenal women who are making an indelible mark on our community.”
“As co-founders of the event, we work continuously to expand the reach of the event and increase the prestige associated with being an honoree,” Holland explained. “Additionally, I’ve overseen the impartial and autonomous Selection Committee process every year.”
These women are chosen through a committee that is formed every year. The members of the committee are culturally and racially diverse and have all different backgrounds. The organization is promoted through various social media platforms and accepts nominations through an online link each year.
Once nominations close, the committee reviews all of the candidates using a rubric so that there’s an objective rating for each nominee. Then the committee reviews the overall scores and reviews the selections. After all of the nominees have been selected, it is time for the banquet.
Keynote speaker for this year’s event was Congresswoman and Virginia Gubernatorial candidate Abigail Spanberger. Emmy Award-winning news manager Terri Toliver served as the emcee of the prestigious event.
The banquet also showcased numerous local business owners, artists, and community members. Together, Riddick, Green, and Holland had a vision to create something that was empowering to the community, and that is exactly what they have accomplished with the Most Influential Women of Central Virginia.
“When it comes to influential women, there are so many amazing women in the community, and I am so honored to be recognized as one of them,” said Dr. Felisha Kimble, a past recipient of the award. “The men and women in front and behind the scenes of this organization are truly why it has flourished the way it has.”
The winners of the 2024 Annual Central VA Most Influential Women's Banquet, held on March 2, included the following incredible women: LaToya Benton, Carylee Carrington, Yolondria Carter-Dixon, Meghan Cotter, Elaine Crocker, Kim Cummings, Pamela Curtis, Palinda Gaines, Mary Katherine Greenlaw, Janette Holland, Mishelle Krogstad, and Gigi McMillan. Congratulations to these amazing women, they have continued to uplift the comunity and ensure that their work is not finished.
“I felt honored and humbled to be one of the women among all of the women selected this year,” Janette Holland said. “The things that they’ve done and accomplished… I was just overall honored to be selected.”
Riddick, Green, and Holland are breaking down barriers and societal norms and empowering women across the region through this organization. Although this organization is still relatively new, they have made drastic efforts to uplift the women in our community, and I have no doubt that they will not continue to thrive and prosper in the many years to come; you will be hearing their names often.
Tayler Tanks is currently a junior honors student at Mountain View High School. She boasts a 4.0 GPA and is extremely active in the Stafford community. She plans to become a lawyer after high school and is excited to bring readers of Stafford Living the highlights about Mountain View.
Actual Article: https://www.fxbgneighbors.com/blog/womenofstafford